
Great Daffodil Appeal

Bill Kidd MSP lent his support to Marie Curie’s largest fundraising appeal month, the iconic Great Daffodil Appeal, at an event in the Scottish Parliament. 

Meeting with staff and volunteers from Marie Curie, Mr Kidd heard about the care and support that is provided to people living with terminal illness, their families and carers across Scotland. 

The leading end of life charity supported over 8,600 terminally ill people across Scotland in their own homes and at its two Scottish hospices during 2021/22. In Glasgow, over 5,500 visits were made by the charity’s Community Nursing Service to support people in the comfort of their own homes. 

Supporting the Great Daffodil Appeal, which started in 1986, by donating and wearing a daffodil pin in March helps Marie Curie to continue providing vital palliative and end of life care and support.

Marie Curie Daffodil campaign

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