
Charities: Household Hardship Fund Open Now

Update from the National Lottery Community Fund:

The Household Hardship Fund - a £1 million fund administered by Corra Foundation on behalf of The National Lottery Community Fund - is now open.

The fund will provide grants between £500-£5,000 to local groups who will pass the money on in cash or vouchers directly to local families and individuals in need.

More information, eligibility, criteria and application can be found on our Household Hardship Fund page here.
The fund is open to:

  • Charities, constituted community groups and registered social enterprises with an annual income under £100,000.
  • Groups with strong relationships within their community and that are already supporting people on low incomes.
  • Groups that can demonstrate how they will distribute cash or vouchers directly to local families and individuals in need.

Cash and vouchers could support families and individuals with:

  • Food and essential items
  • Fuel and energy costs
  • Warm clothing
  • Phone vouchers / internet costs

All funds must be passed on to families and individuals by 30 June 2023.

Distributing cash or vouchers can be challenging work. We expect that successful applicants to this fund will be organisations who are already supporting families and individuals on low incomes through other activities. This might include projects such as: children’s groups, lunch clubs, churches/faith groups, youth groups, food pantries/banks.

Please consider your organisation’s capacity to distribute cash and vouchers directly to those in need before applying.

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