
Supporting Victims of Human Trafficking in Scotland

Bill Kidd MSP, Deputy Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Human Traffikcing, questioned the Scottish Government on what action it is taking to protect potential victims of trafficking from re-trafficking once their case has been alerted to the police. This can be a high risk time in for someone who has been trafficked, who may have fear of people in authority and be unwaware or misled by human traffickers about their rights. Solo child migrants, for example, are at high risk of exploitation if they do not have a safe person in Scotland, or the rest of the UK, that they can trust. It is therefore possible for children to be re-trafficked into modern slavery in the UK, even when identified by the police or charities as potential victims of trafficking. 

 Bill Kidd Portfolio Question S6O-00460 5. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to protect victims of human trafficking from re-trafficking in Scotland.

 Police Scotland provide guidance on how to spot signs of trafficking and what to do if you suspect someone is a victim of this crime: 


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