
Stand Up for Nature Pledge

Today Bill Kidd MSP signed the 'Stand Up for Nature Pledge.' 

Stand up for Nature pledge

“The joint emergencies of rapid biodiversity loss and climate breakdown require transformative action. As a member of the Scottish Parliament, I pledge to stand up for nature.

“I will do everything in my power to ensure Scotland’s natural environment has strong and effective protection, alongside ambitious targets for its recovery and enhancement. When 1 in 11 species in Scotland is at risk of extinction, these measures are vital, whatever our future relationship with the European Union.”

In Scotland, 1 in 11 species is at risk of extinction. Our environment is affected by global challenges: climate change, pollution, the spread of invasive species, and unstainable land and sea use practices.

But we still have a window of opportunity to restore the health of our nature, as the IPBES Global Assessment highlighted. To do that we need strong laws and effective implementation of environmental protections. As the First Minister has said, we need to ‘ensure that our actions produce the transformative change that is needed’. She also said, ‘On biodiversity targets, Scotland has more to do, just as all countries have more to do’. 

Scotland has an important role to play and must lead by example. As a small nation we can drive progressive change through innovative policies. But even more importantly our nature is of global significance, making us custodians of some of our planet’s most valuable assets. For example, a third of Europe’s breeding seabirds are found in Scotland, while the Flow Country has 5% of the world’s resource of blanket bog, critical for carbon sequestration.

 You can find out more here: 

www.scotlink.org | www.fightforscotlandsnature.scot | www.savescottishseas.org

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