
Motion S5M-19665: US Congress and the SANE Act

That the Parliament notes that the Co-Presidents of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Senator Ed Markey and Congressman Earl Blumenauer are reintroducing legislation in the US Congress that would cut $75 billion from the United States' nuclear weapons budget over the next decade; is aware that the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act being proposed is intended to improve national security and budgetary sanity by cutting redundant and destabilising nuclear weapons programmes, and notes that this is being timed to coincide with UN Disarmament Week and the Count the Nuclear Weapons action taking place in New York, where $1 trillion in facsimile bills will be counted to show the level of monies that is considered to be squandered by nuclear weapons' states on the upgrading of nuclear weapons, instead of being spent on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Supported by: Sandra White, Rona Mackay, Richard Lyle, James Dornan, Emma Harper, David Torrance, Kenneth Gibson, Bob Doris, Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan, Fulton MacGregor, Stewart Stevenson, Tom Arthur, Jenny Gilruth, John Mason, Gillian Martin, John Finnie, Ruth Maguire, Joan McAlpine

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