
Motion S5M-15888: Potential Threats from INF Treaty Withdrawal

That the Parliament notes with concern recent developments in the United States, and Russian withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF); recognises calls from the international community and Scottish civil society, including groups within Anniesland, for the US and Russia to engage in constructive dialogue; acknowledges that the international parliamentarians organisation, PNND, has directly appealed to heads of state, including Presidents Trump and Putin, to re-establish diplomatic efforts to reduce the numbers of intermediate nuclear forces, with the aim of eliminating nuclear warheads, and understands that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has 70 signatories and 21 State Parties ratifications, and that the Nobel Peace Prize winner, ICAN, implores European states and NATO allies to lead the way in clearly stating that security is ensured by a commitment to disarmament processes.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Jenny Gilruth, Rona Mackay, David Torrance, Bob Doris, Sandra White, Joan McAlpine, John Mason, Ruth Maguire, Gail Ross, Fulton MacGregor, John Finnie, Clare Adamson, Angela Constance, Tom Arthur, Gillian Martin

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