
Motion S5M-15909: Knightswood Puppies

That the Parliament commends the Scottish SPCA for its charitable work rescuing three abandoned puppies in the Knightswood area of Glasgow; understands that these pups are receiving 24-hour veterinary care as they were found wounded and sickly; highlights the dangers of parvovirus being released on the streets in such instances by careless individuals, and wishes the pups a speedy recovery.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, David Torrance, Stuart McMillan, Fulton MacGregor, Bruce Crawford, Sandra White, Gordon Lindhurst, Richard Lyle, Emma Harper, Alexander Burnett, Annie Wells, Colin Beattie, Bob Doris, Tom Mason, Jenny Gilruth, Monica Lennon, Clare Adamson, Gillian Martin, Ruth Maguire, Gail Ross, Christine Grahame

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