
Motion S5M-16613: Congratulating Jessica Mitchell

That the Parliament congratulates Jessica Mitchell on her success on winning FutureChef 2019; notes that Jessica, who is a pupil at the High School of Glasgow in the Glasgow Anniesland constituency, competed against 14,352 competitors between the ages of 12 to 16 from across the UK, over 7,000 of whom came from Scotland; understands that her winning meal comprised of chicken breast with butternut squash, confit chicken leg and fondant potato, and an apple and frangipane tart with a vanilla pod parfait and caramelised apple for dessert; recognises the work done by the charity, SpringBoard, in both organising this competition over 19 years and in encouraging more young people to consider careers as chefs, and hopes that Jessica can go on to enjoy further success with her cooking skills.

Supported by: Rona Mackay, Kenneth Gibson, Gordon Lindhurst, Sandra White, Richard Lyle, Alexander Burnett, Stuart McMillan, Emma Harper, David Torrance, Alison Johnstone, Fulton MacGregor, Edward Mountain, Stewart Stevenson, Jenny Gilruth, Rachael Hamilton, Gillian Martin, Gil Paterson, Tom Arthur, Ruth Maguire

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