
Motion S5M-16383: Drumchapel High

That the Parliament recognises the significant achievements of Drumchapel High School in reducing the attainment gap; highlights the improvements made over 10 years since 2008, when 15% of pupils achieved at least one higher, compared with almost 60% in 2018; notes that, in the same period, the number of pupils to achieve five Highers has increased from 1% to nearly 15%; congratulates the school, including all teachers, parents and pupils, on these achievements; notes the dedicated progress of schools across Glasgow in tackling the attainment gap, which has been highly praised in the Education Scotland March 2019 inspection of local authorities report as “exceptional progress”, and believes that this constitutes an important step towards a fairer future for all children in Glasgow.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan, Sandra White, Richard Lyle, Stewart Stevenson, Jenny Gilruth, Bob Doris, Gillian Martin, Tom Arthur, Fulton MacGregor, Gil Paterson

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