
Motion S5M-16115: Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day 2019

That the Parliament recognises Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day 2019, which was marked on 1 March; notes that 2019 marks the 65th anniversary of the Bravo detonation by the United States close to the surface of Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands; understands that this blasted out a 200 feet deep and mile wide crater in the ocean; deeply regrets what it believes to be the humanitarian and environmental impact directly affecting an area greater than 7,000 square miles; understands that particle radiation fallout landed on the islands of Rongelap and radioactive mist on Utirik, and further understands that the peoples of these islands where not evacuated by the US Navy until three days after the explosion.

Supported by: Rona Mackay, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, Kenneth Gibson, Stewart Stevenson, John Mason, Emma Harper, Joan McAlpine, Sandra White, Jenny Gilruth, Clare Adamson, Ruth Maguire, John Finnie, Gillian Martin, Gil Paterson, Tom Arthur

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