
Motion S5M-14613: Karipbek Kuyukov, Nuclear Free Future Award Winner

That the Parliament congratulates the painter and honorary ambassador of the ATOM Project, Karipbek Kuyukov, on winning the 2018 Nuclear Free Future Award, which was presented in Salzburg on 25 October; understands that Karipbek was born without arms, which it believes was due to his parents' exposure to Soviet atomic tests in Kazakhstan; recognises that he uses his paintings to portray the terrible tragedy of such testing, with work being exhibited in Germany, the United States and Japan, and welcomes his anticipated visit to the Parliament in 2019.

Supported by: John Mason, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Bob Doris, Richard Lyle, Rona Mackay, Sandra White, Gillian Martin, Jenny Gilruth, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Fulton MacGregor, Mark Ruskell

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