
Motion S5M-14278: Glasgow Clyde College Nominated for Awards


That the Parliament congratulates Glasgow Clyde College on its double nomination in the innovation and inclusive college categories at the 2018 College Development Network awards; recognises the work of its Community Learning and Development team in its approach to family learning; believes that it does this by focusing on literacy and numeracy and helping to upskill family educators to support the attainment levels of their families; acknowledges that the team has created a learning environment that blends core learning skills with a practical-based curriculum, which fosters creativity and imagination using a variety of learning experiences; notes that the learning programme includes ESOL courses, photography, numeracy and mathematics learning and support for parents supporting children; highlights what it sees as the innovative partnership between the college, the SQA and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) in developing an HND course in counselling to help meet the need for services that support good mental health; recognises that the college played a leading role in campaigning for the creation of this HND course, which is the first of its kind in Scotland and has been developed by staff member, Kirsten Amis; acknowledges that the course meets what it believes are the high standards demanded by both the SQA and the BACP and that 19 people qualified in its first year, 2017-18, with 200 applying to take part in 2018-19; considers that all of this work demonstrates the college’s continued commitment to a diverse and inclusive learning experience for all, and wishes it the best of luck at the awards.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Stewart Stevenson, Stuart McMillan, Sandra White, Emma Harper, David Torrance, Jenny Gilruth, Fulton MacGregor, Bruce Crawford, Gillian Martin, Tom Arthur, Ruth Maguire

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