
Motion S5M-14190: Kash Farooq from Scotstoun, British Bantamweight Champion

That the Parliament congratulates the Scotstoun-based boxer, Kash Farooq, on winning the British bantamweight title on 27 September 2018; notes that Kash became the first Scot to win this title in 21 years after he won the championship bout at the St Andrew’s Sporting Club in Glasgow within 73 seconds; congratulates his trainer, Craig Dickson, and manager, Ian Wilson, and wishes Kash all the best with his future career.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, David Torrance, Kenneth Gibson, Sandra White, Richard Lyle, Bruce Crawford, Bob Doris, Tom Mason, Stuart McMillan, Jenny Gilruth, Mark McDonald, Neil Findlay, Fulton MacGregor, Tom Arthur, Neil Bibby

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