That the Parliament congratulates ANYiSO, a women’s group established to ensure that women are given support and services needed to enable them to live better and safer lives free from discrimination and abuse, on the opening of its office in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre; understands that ANYiSO will be delivering free workshops such as beadmaking, sewing, employability and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes; recognises the vital contribution that it considers ANYiSO makes to people in Anniesland, and wishes everyone involved all the best in their future endeavours.
Supported by: Emma Harper, Joan McAlpine, James Dornan, Richard Lyle, Stewart Stevenson, Bob Doris, Sandra White, Jenny Gilruth, Kenneth Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Fulton MacGregor, Tom Arthur, Gillian Martin, Alex Cole-Hamilton