
S5M-13315: New Beatson Cancer Centre is the Largest in Scotland Thanks to McMillan

That the Parliament welcomes the opening of the new cancer support hub at Scotland’s biggest cancer centre, the Beatson, on 18 July 2018; understands that Macmillan Cancer Support has invested £2.2 million to transform the entrance of the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, and that the new space provides a larger, brighter and more comfortable area, which both acts as a support hub with information and support and financial benefits advice and also provides space for patients and families to spend time together, and congratulates all involved in building and creating this new space.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Jeremy Balfour, Sandra White, Joan McAlpine, Anas Sarwar, James Dornan, David Torrance, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Kenneth Gibson, Bob Doris, Stewart Stevenson, Annie Wells, Jenny Gilruth, Fulton MacGregor, Clare Adamson, Tom Arthur, Gillian Martin, Rona Mackay

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