That the Parliament congratulates LINKES Community Rooms on receiving £120,000 over three years from the Tudor Trust; understands that this money will contribute to a community development worker's salary, as well as its core costs; notes that the community development worker will co-ordinate a vibrant programme of activities, which will assist with not only the women's group, ESOL classes and SQA qualifications in childcare, but also its click and connect men's group, the seniors lunch club and a varied programme of community events to promote integration; acknowledges that all of these activities will be match funded by the Big Lottery Fund's Awards for All programme, and considers that the funds will increase LINKES' capacity as an organisation, which will assist it to improve and increase a spectrum of services for local people across the generations.
Supported by: Richard Lyle, Clare Haughey, Emma Harper, James Dornan, Stewart Stevenson, Sandra White, Kenneth Gibson, Ash Denham, Fulton MacGregor, David Torrance, Jenny Gilruth, Clare Adamson, Ivan McKee, Gillian Martin, Tom Arthur