
S5m-12843: Drumwealth Games Event Goes from Strength to Strength

That the Parliament notes the year-on-year growth in the participation of children and young people from Drumchapel, and its surrounding areas, in the Drumwealth Games; notes that this sporting and social event takes place over nine venues in Drumchapel and involves hundreds of P5, P6, P7 and S1 pupils from the area's schools, who take part in a variety of sports, woodland walks and cycling; notes the pride in the community that the games bring, and commends the coaches who lead the sports events, particularly Fiona Kirk-Friel, Tracy Anderson and Grant Morrison, on their hard work and good humour throughout.

Supported by: Stewart Stevenson, Kenneth Gibson, Rona Mackay, James Dornan, Sandra White, Clare Haughey, Jenny Gilruth, Ash Denham, Fulton MacGregor, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Ivan McKee, Gillian Martin, Richard Lyle, Tom Arthur

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