
Motion S5M-10712: Congratulating DRC Generations

That the Parliament congratulates DRC Generations on securing £150,000 from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland; understands that this funding will allow it to expand its programmes, which are offered to young people aged between 11 and 19 in north west Glasgow; recognises that these activities are intended to improve health and wellbeing while also allowing young people to integrate more fully into their community and transition from primary to secondary school and onwards, and wishes DRC Generations all the best with its future endeavours.

Supported by: Mairi Gougeon, Joan McAlpine, Rona Mackay, Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Sandra White, Ruth Maguire, Stewart Stevenson, Fulton MacGregor, Graeme Dey, Ash Denham, Jenny Gilruth, Gillian Martin, Ivan McKee, Stuart McMillan

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