
S5M-05823- Save the Children Sporting Champions

That the Parliament welcomes the announcement that rugby stars, Stuart Hogg and Jade Konkel, have become Save the Children’s first Sporting Champions; understands that the players will act as ambassadors for Save the Children’s work in Scotland, championing the tackling of child poverty, speaking out for the children and families who the charity supports, and promoting their programmes such as Eat, Sleep, Learn, Play!, Families Connect and Families and Schools Together; and notes that this latest initiative is part of Scottish Rugby’s ongoing support for Save the Children and its activities in Scotland.

Supported by: Ruth Maguire, Gillian Martin, Joan McAlpine, Jeremy Balfour, Liam McArthur, James Dornan, Clare Haughey, Richard Lyle, Ben Macpherson, Sandra White, Ash Denham, Stuart McMillan, Bob Doris, Fulton MacGregor, Rona Mackay, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Tom Arthur, Jenny Gilruth, Colin Beattie, Ivan McKee, Christine Grahame, Brian Whittle, Alison Johnstone, Maree Todd, Jackson Carlaw

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