
S5M-02080: Lifelong work of John Ainslie, Scottish CND

Date Lodged: 24/10/2016

That the Parliament notes with sadness the passing of John Ainslie who served as Secretary/Organiser of SCND since 1992; understands that John was, for many years, the sole full-time worker of the organisation, but also took part in non-violent acts aimed at raising awareness of what it considers are the dangers of the Trident nuclear weapons system based at HMNB Faslane; is aware of the consistent good humour and kindness shown to everyone who met him, even when he was following the nuclear weapons convoys travelling along Scotland's roads; passes its sincere condolences to John's wife, Alison, and his family and many friends, and considers that John's life's work in SCND lives on as his legacy.

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