
S5M-01830: Official Education Scotland recognition to St Brendan's Primary School

Date Lodged: 04/10/2016

That the Parliament congratulates the parents, staff and pupils of St Brendan’s Primary School on the official recognition, given by Education Scotland, for their exemplary efforts in raising numeracy, literacy, emotional wellbeing and leadership skill standards; further notes a mark of ‘Good’ by the Education Scotland report for improvements in performance, learners’ experiences, meeting learning needs and student self-evaluation; notes also that the report emphasises the respectful and considerate conduct of the pupils, and encourages the school's pupil-led Road Safety Committee, as highlighted by the report, where the pupils created posters about traffic congestion and liaised over this issue with parents and the local council.

Supported by: Ash Denham, James Dornan, Ruth Maguire, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Joan McAlpine, Maree Todd, Sandra White, Tom Arthur, Colin Beattie, Richard Lochhead, Emma Harper, Gail Ross, Fulton MacGregor, Bob Doris, Stuart McMillan, Ben Macpherson, Ivan McKee, Gillian Martin

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