
S4M-07417: Prince’s Trust and Arnold Clark Apprenticeship Success

That the Parliament congratulates the eight young Prince’s Trust students who started initial car mechanic training with the Get into Car Mechanics course at Arnold Clark’s purpose-built GTG Glasgow training centre at Scotstoun; congratulates all eight, who it considers to be bright, cheerful and intelligent young people, one female and seven males, and considers that, although they started on the course only weeks ago, they now have demonstrable car mechanic skills, which they have displayed impressively to the large number of visitors who witnessed how competent and confident they are following their initial training by Arnold Clark’s dedicated team of mentors and management staff; notes that all eight successfully completed their course and have been offered full modern apprenticeships, which they celebrated with their families at what it considers a stylish end of course ceremony; understands that the programme has achieved success with 98% of the students, who faced barriers to employment, education and training before joining the programme, and wishes the eight new apprentices, the Prince's Trust, Arnold Clark and all staff at GTG Glasgow in Scotstoun continued future success.

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